1-Staff members involved in immunology advanced methodologies in, Medical, Science, Pharmacy, Dentistry, hygiene, food engineering and quality management support fields we will:
- Acquire ability to design and implement blended modernized curriculum addressing the immune modulation field.
- Gain capacity in teaching and learning in the field of immune modulation involved in pathogenesis and outcome of disease of high concern in Egypt.
- Acquire ability for self assessment and motivation to improve.
- Gain capabilities in creating an interactive, cooperative and supportive environment with their students in timely manner.
- Develop efficiency for boosting research in immune modulation field due to poor research competences.
- Gain of communication channels with European experience.
2- Postgraduate students of scientific faculties [Medical, Science, Pharmacy, Dentistry, hygiene, food engineering and quality management support fields]:
- Gain capacity in learning in the field of immune modulation involved in pathogenesis and outcome of disease of high concern in Egypt.
- Develop efficiency for boosting research competence in immune modulation due to absence of skills.
- Provide alternatives in learning other than face to face methods.
- Gain capacity in handling advanced techniques.
- Provide motivation to apply for IMCert innovate curriculum.
- Open job opportunities in fields of advanced immunology study.
- Acquire awareness of post graduates of importance of immune modulation field and diseases in its concern.
3- Universities of scientific background:
- Gain capacity in developing and implementing innovative blended curricula in immune modulation due to low resources.
- Develop centre of excellence with advanced equipments to perform researches concerning immune modulation and monitoring.
- Gain financial resources for establishing of teaching and learning centre (TLC) of excellence with E-learning classrooms, with on line database for IMCert resources and providing computers.
- Provide financial resources for advanced equipments needed for research competence.
- Provide communication between postgraduates and the university.
- Gain of Data base of learning resources of immune modulation.
- Provide connection with European channels taking lead in this field.
- Increase number of citations of academic staff leading to upgrading of university rank.
4- Pre/in-service biology teachers/ HCW/ industry ,water treatment and food processing employee:
Gain of informative capacity in immune disorders issues in Egypt due to climate and poor hygiene to enable them to understand the role of surrounding environment in development of those diseases and how to decrease its negative impact (viral hepatitis, infections, chronic inflammation, parasitology, cancer, etc.)
5- Laboratory technicians:
- Gain of required technician skills for using advanced equipments and advanced methodologies addressing immune modulation concerning; Flow cytometry, Molecular methods, Sequencing, Cell culture and Elisa
- Quality insurance and good practice.
- Artefact detection, prevention, trouble shooting solving.
- Networking, communication, know how exchanges.
- Need to improve their hygiene and ethical knowledge in handling research blood samples from human or participating in animal experiments.
6- National level:
- Addressing disease of immune related aetiology or outcome impacting socio-economic state detection, evaluation.
- Provide motivation to keep pace with progress in immune modulation and monitoring of diseases concerning Egyptian community, with needs to achieve higher rates of prevention and recovery of immune related diseases using immune modulation.
- Presence professionalized certificate increases job opportunities in fields of immune modulation requiring high skills.
- Show out medico-social impact and awareness to politicians and decision makers.
- Promoting research projects.
- Reducing health cost by promoting prevention and early diagnosis.